معنى برق ورعد بالانجليزي


  • Definition: Lightning is a massive electrical discharge that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It's a sudden and intense flash of light caused by the rapid movement of electrical charges between clouds or between a cloud and the ground.
  • How it happens:
    • Charge separation: Within a thunderstorm, ice particles collide and separate charges within the cloud.
    • Electrical buildup: This leads to a significant buildup of electrical potential energy.
    • Discharge: When the electrical potential becomes too great, a powerful electrical current is discharged, creating the bright flash of lightning.
  • Types:
    • Cloud-to-ground lightning: The most common type, where the discharge occurs between a cloud and the ground.
    • Cloud-to-cloud lightning: Occurs within a cloud or between different clouds.
    • Intra-cloud lightning: Occurs within a single cloud.


  • Definition: Thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air caused by the intense heat of a lightning strike.
  • How it happens:
    • Rapid heating: When lightning strikes, it superheats the air along its path to extremely high temperatures.
    • Sudden expansion: This rapid heating causes the air to expand explosively.
    • Shock wave: The sudden expansion creates a shock wave that travels through the air, producing the sound of thunder.
  • Characteristics:
    • Rumbling: Thunder often sounds like a rumbling or rolling sound due to the varying distances and reflections of the shock wave.
    • Loudness: The loudness of thunder depends on the distance from the lightning strike.

Key Points:

  • Light vs. Sound: Light travels much faster than sound. This is why you see lightning before you hear thunder.
  • Distance estimation: You can estimate the distance of a lightning strike by counting the seconds between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. For every 5 seconds, the lightning strike is approximately 1 mile away.

I hope this comprehensive explanation of lightning and thunder is helpful!

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